9 Fun Things To Do In The Museum Experience


Arcade Museum Experience and the Recreational Museum for the preservation and cultural dissemination of the clsic video game again unite their forces with El Core Singles, this time in Each, to continue promoting their interesting initiative. With more than 300 pieces that cover the decades of the 70s and 80s, the exhibition will allow us to live an unforgettable experience for any lover of the video game and its history. The pses will take place on Saturday, December 17; We tell you what you should know and how to attend.

Objectives of Museum Experience Arcade

Taking advantage that it is now available for the first time in Each, the organization wanted to remember the main objectives of the initiative, which is none otherwise but to disseminate and bring the environment closer to people, both who want to remember old times and to those who want to Discover the story of something accepted and with many fans the video game is. The intention of the parties involved is to offer an educational and research experience (there is even an exhibition for the 40 years of tron with anecdotes and curiosities), social, tourist and, of course, playful, since the video game itself implies the implicit fun component.

In fact, the most nostalgic will feel at home, since there is a recreational room of the 80s with a multitude of available machines and games.

How to sign up for Arcade Museum Experience

The first thing you should know is that the exhibition will lt a year, and although the next day you can attend it is Saturday, December 17, you can also do it on Sunday (the same for future weekends) during the usual opening hours. You can sign up on the PDCV website (preservation and cultural dissemination of the clsic video game) or call-also through WhatsApp) at 679 520 075 and 639 822 158. Of course, you can enjoy various machines and play many titles, for a price that goes in relation to game time: from 3 euros for half an hour and 5 euros for an hour onwards.


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