LOL: A RIOTER Imagine Katarina Florescer spiritual and makes the community dream of this skin

Riggleman: Katarina is one of the most classic of League of Legends. The character has already been the subject and seal of a merchandising series of the Mob de Riot Games, and she has been very successful in the game, although she has not stands out for a long time. Even so, she is still relevant through nostalgia, something that can be seen because of the character's number of skins: 14.

Katarina did not get an aspect of spiritual flourish in the new edition of the thematic event, but the illustrator Park Jun Song, who draws Legends of Runeterra, the Lol card game, decided to create a Fan art of this look for she.

Katarina Florence spiritual

The theme spiritual flourish first appeared in July 2020 and brought an important event with the launch of the champions Lillian and One, who even arrived with thematic aspects. This was the first event that brought the now popular visual novels, in which players follow the development of a story through the game client. In addition to the characters mentioned above, other champions that appeared were HRI, Cassiopeia, Kindred, Riven, Teems, Thresh, Wayne and Yahoo.

A new edition of the Spiritual Florence event will soon be available for the community and has already arrived with new aspects for Evelyn, Soraya, Tristan, Aphelia, Sett, Darius, Yo rick, Maestro Yi and Sandra. However, then you can See the Katarina spiritual flourish made by Park Jun Song, in the best official style of Riot, since the illustrator works in the developer.

The splash art shows Katarina about to get its daggers to attack an opponent. Theme, in addition to having a mask tied to the waist, as well as other champions that have this skin. Park's publication on Twitter already obtained more than 6 thousand like and hundreds of fans A who would love to have this skin in Lol. **


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