Levering a blue atlas vault, a new God in SMITE

There are many types of supernatural beings in mythology, but none of them is more powerful and more terrifying from Greek Titans. This special cranes, after all, the whole blue vault on its back! Atlas is a cosmic titanium and God from Greek mythology. Smitten describes it as a guard that deals magical injuries.

What about Atlas's skills?

Passive ability — Astrolabe When Atlas deals or accepts injuries, he collects energy in his astrolabe. When he exceeds 20 points. Energy, its next basic attack will receive a 1.5x injury and attack bonus and the speed of additional damage from the atlas — and will impose a shaking effect on 2 seconds on the gods. And the effect of stunning on the minions. ATLAS can be stored up to 30 points. Energy. Release from Beside Atlas throws your astrolabe into a selected place, dealing with damage and slowing down opponents. When the ability to reach the place, ATLAS basic attacks will cost 5 points. Many and cause explosions in the area of ​​the globe, dealing with injury to all nearby enemies. 5 seconds or when the ability is used again, Astrolabe will return to Atlas. The second skill of Atlas varies depending on whether the astrolabe was thrown out whether he was kept by him. Gravitational string Atlas attracts enemies towards your astrolabe. Opponents who are too close to ATLAS will be drawn into astrolabe. If the Atlas has its astrolabe, enemies pulled into the globe will be captured in front of the champion. After a short time, the captured goals will be thrown in the direction in which the Atlas returned. If the Atlas threw his astrolabe, the opponents of his inside will be held at the place of resting the globe and then removed towards God. Kinetic charge — Atlas charges forward. Atlas charges forward. Every ally God who will be near his charge, will be released from Marion, receiving cleaning with slowdowns and a bonus for traffic speed. When the Atlas hit the enemy God, releases the collected bastion in the form of an explosion. For each collected burden, the effect of the slowdown is increased by 25% — up to a maximum of 75%. GAMMA radiation explosion — ATLAS Retractors, causing a gamma radiation explosion. Enemies in the field of destruction receive injury and radiation accumulation every 0.5 sec. The radiation effect can overlap and reduce protection and power of opponents. After 5 seconds, or if the Atlas decides to reuse the gamma radiation explosion, its radius will be concentrated and will start to move the battlefield. The enemies hit the concentrated radii receive additional injuries and the effect of concentrated radiation, the power of which is the equivalent of 3 accumulation of ordinary radiation.

Atlas will go to Smitten December 14. More news You will find here.


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